As the Headlines Read
Mark The Shark Takes Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children On Fishing Adventure
ABC News - Florida Wildlife Officials Investigating Video of Boat Dragging Shark
CBS Miami - Disturbing Shark Dragging Video Leads to FWC Investigation
CNN - Video of Shark Being Dragged Behind Speedboat Sparks Outrage
HuffPost - Violent Video of Boat Dragging Shark Sparks Outrage, Investigation
Miami Herald - Angler in Shark-Dragging Video Has History of Posting Troubling Wildlife Photos
MSN News - Outrage as Laughing Thugs drag Live Shark Behind Speedboat in Sickening Video Footage
Newsweek - Video of Shark Dragged by High-Speed Boat Sparks Outrage and Investigation in Florida
The New York Times - Video of Shark, Seemingly Bound and Dragged by a Boat, Under Investigation
Sarasota Patch - Shark Dragging Video Prompts Sarasota Slam Response
WFLA - FWC Continues Investigation into 'Disheartening and Disturbing' Shark Dragging Video, Thanks Concerned Citizens
Awarded Best Destinations for Fishing Charters in the USA by FLIPKEY
Why PETA Hates Mark The Shark, And Why He Could Care Less
Florida's real shark hunter: He's caught nearly 100,000 sharks and isn't stopping yet - meet the man hooked on maneaters
MEL-I Went Shark Fishing and Accidentally Caught a Kilo of Coke
Miami Herald- Usually, Mark the Shark’s catches get weighed in pounds. This one gets weighed in kilos
Inside Edition - Catch of the Day: Shark Fisherman Reels In a Kilo of Cocaine During Excursion
Mark the Shark Finds Floating Brick of Cocaine While Fishing Off Miami
Mark the Shark, Miami's Most Famed Deep-Sea Hunter, Fends Off Critics
Wide Open Spaces: Fisherman Catches Massive Bull Shark Near Miami Beach Hotels
GrindTV: Enormous rare sea creature hauled from depths by Florida shark fisherman
Local 10: Famous South Florida fisherman lands odd monster
Toronto Sun: Florida shark hunter Mark "The Shark" Quartiano last of a dying breed of big game guides
UK's Shortlist Magazine: How to catch and land a shark Rosie O'Donnell's dead shark pics cause controversy
Sun Sentinel: Chan Lowe: Rosie O'Donnell and the shark
The Gazette: Rosie O'Donnell's dead shark pics cause controversy
The Blaze: Rosie O'Donnell's is Feeling Environmentalists' Bite Over Photo With Dead Shark
E Online: Rosie O'Donnell's Dead Hammerhead Shark Photos Anger Environmentalists
Sun Sentinel: Rosie O'Donnell vs. the hammerhead
Mail Online: Florida's Real Shark Hunter
The Week: The Last Shark Hunter Is In Miami
Man released from hospital after shark bite
Hookin' Up in Miami
Ocean View Magazine Germany
What the Greenpeace Wackos Are Saying!
Forget Fishing; You’re Shark “Hunting!”
On the Hunt With Mark the Shark
Mar&Pesca Cover Story October 2008
Paradise Found in the 'Armpit' of Africa: Bom Bom
Fish Facts: African Groupers, Toothy Sharks
Fish Facts: Do Sharks Give Hickies?
Fish Facts: Sharptail Molas
Los Senores Del Mar
La Peche Sportive au Large de Miami Beach
An Angling Paradise Awaits You at Bom Bom
Shark Huggers!
There Will be BLOOD!
Waterfront News
Cover Story Mar&Pesca - Oct
Cover Story Mar&Pesca - Sept
Florida Outdoors - Feeding Frenzy
Florida Outdoors - Looking For Sharks?
Butcher Or Hero?
Disturbing Discovery
Human Bone?
Legend, Captain "Mark The Shark"® has been credited
for capturing more sharks on rod and reel than any human being on
the planet!

you want to catch a Sea Monster, you've come to the right place!
Check out Captain "Mark the Shark's" Awesome Catches and Monster Photo Galleries
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