....serving anglers worldwide
Thresher Shark
Alopias Vulpinus - A. Profundus - A. Superciliosus - A. Pelagius
Other common names: Fox Shark

Maximum weight: 450kg (1000lb)

Current I.G.F.A. all time record: 363kg (802lb) - Tutukaka, New Zealand - 8 February, 1981

Identifying features: The Thresher has a long upper tail lobe that is equal to or greater in length than the body. Due to this characteristic it is the easiest of all the shark species to identify. The upper body can range from cobalt blue to a grey/green. The lower body is white. All species have five short gill slits.

Expected temperature range: 54° F to 68° F (12° C to 20° C)

Migration and breeding: COMING SOON!!!

Typical location: Open ocean along the continental shelf and current lines, ocean mountains and canyons. Around schools of bait such as ballyhoo, pilchards and squid. Will come close to shore if  water temperature is comfortable and bait are present.

Fighting characteristics: Usually the first run is fast and near the surface, then the Thresher will settle into a midwater tug-of-war with the angler. Will occasionally jump. Sometimes the Thresher will be foul hooked in the tail, as the tail is used to stun prey.

 Distribution map and anatomy graphic coming soon!!!
Fishing Methods

Trolling Lures: Generally not targetted with lures.

Trolling Live Bait: Trolling live bait around schools of baitfish has proven to be successful.

Trolling Dead Bait: Trolling dead bait around schools of baitfish has proven to be successful.

Other Methods: Drifting dead baits in a berley (chum) trail, with the boat either anchored or drifting is the most successful method.

Remember to experiment and change tactics if you find that you are unsuccessful when targeting a particular fish species, as it could turn a good day into a great day!
If you wish to write an article about angling for this particular species please email Mark the Shark and we'll publish it here.